Sunday, April 20, 2008

This is Spring, Right?

The weather report had forecast snow for this weekend. Some snowflakes fell from the sky Saturday morning but the day was mainly overcast with some sunbreaks. I woke up this morning and went to the window and my jaw literally dropped. This is what I saw:
So everyone put on their snow clothes and went outside to make a snowman, snow angels and take a walk. There was no wind so it was actually quite pleasant outside at 34 degrees. We took a walk down the road. The kids had fun sending huge snowballs down the stream; they would put it in the stream on one side of the road......
and watch it come out on the other side:

Everything was going good until Nicole was running down the road, tripped and fell into an icy mud puddle. Then it was time to go home! It is already warming up and the snow is slowly going away. At least we will have this guy to keep us company for a few days...

and hopefully he will be our last snowy creation for this Spring!