Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Spencer Island & Langus Riverfront Park

Last weekend we headed out to celebrate Keith's birthday a little early with a geocaching trip to Spencer Island. 

Spencer Island is 400 acres located in the Snohomish River estuary.  The northern portion is owned by the Washington State Department of Fish & Wildlife; the southern portion by Snohomish County.  We explored both ends.  According to the signs bikes are not allowed, at least on the south end, so we walked.  This bridge marks the entrance to the park.

We saw a mama duck with her ducklings, swallows building nests from the mud along the riverbank, lots of other kinds of birds (sorry, identifying birds is not my strong suit) and this guy......

A couple pictures from the northern end of the island:

We found this very cool train themed geocache.

Apparently 70 degrees in Washington is pretty warm because some had to strip down to cool off!

The southern portion of the trail consisted of some boardwalks jutting out into the marshy areas.

After finding all of the geocaches on the island that are accessible by foot (several more are reachable by boat only) we headed to Black Angus for a tremendous steak dinner.  Sure wish we still had one of those restaurants locally.  Considering that was the biggest meal we had eaten in some time and it was such a nice evening we decided to head to the Langus Riverfront Park (adjacent to Spencer Island) and find a few more geocaches and enjoy a walk along the Snohomish River.  This was a very clever cache located at the boat launch.  Here is how it looked just as we found it:

Here is what it looks like when you screw off the cap:

The picture makes it seem obvious but it actually blends in quite well.  You just have to notice that all of the other holes on the dock railing are empty!  We didn't realize it at the time but we actually ended up setting our own personal daily cache record by finding 15 geocaches this day.  We had lost track and didn't realize until we got home and got them all logged.

One last picture of a portion of the Langus Rivefront Trail at its most nothern point.  Most of it is paved and perfect for a bike ride; this particular section is grass.

Overall we walked almost 8 miles exploring these two areas.  It's all flat trail so there was very little groaning from Nicole.  This area is located close to I-5 and you never completely escaped the sound of the traffic but I am glad we finally got a chance to explore this area.

We signed up for the Amazing Race through United General Hospital and are looking forward to receiving our first assigned hike this coming Monday!

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